Veils the entire image in a pleasing dreamlike fog effect
Creates atmosphere and mood
Effect can be minimized or exaggerated by changing the aperture
1.0 is stronger than 0.5
The Hoya Fog .05 and 1.0 filters have a frosted surface that lightly veils the entire picture in a pleasing dreamlike fog effect. There are two Hoya Fog filters, a Fog .05 and the stronger Fog 1.0. Both can be used together to produce an effect similar to dense fog. The effect can be varied by changing the aperture of the lens, but stopping down too far will reduce the effect. These two filters are also available as a set.
Hoya Fog Filters are useful when:
veils the entire picture in a pleasing dreamlike fog effect
creates atmosphere and mood in images
effect can be minimized or exaggerated by changing the aperture